
Changing Economic Lanes

Over the course of human history, we have seen drastic changes.  Some took a long time while some took no time at all, for instance, slavery and update to the smartphone respectively.  Hence, it is imperative that we do not stand still or else the world’s constant changing will overwhelm us, particularly in this fast-paced lifestyle. At one time, we were astonished with what a printer could do.  We were even more astonished with what a color printer could do.  And now, we have 3D printing.  Okay, it’s not as common as a printer but hey, give it a few decades.  Granted, not all professions need it, like a bank or a market research company.  However, it’s relied upon in construction planning among other things. And recently, it has expanded its clutches onto food.  The Project on Channel 10 in Australia reported on their website on “3D Printed Meat”.  Monash University teamed up with Meat and Livestock Australia to create a future for meat using 3D printers.  In my entire sh

Stupidity in Luxury

Get Your Politics Out of My Face

Everybody Do the Trump Trickle

The People's Discomfort

Scary House on the Street That Gets Repossessed From the Bank as Collateral and This Title is Totally a Play on Those Horror Movies about a Creepy House That Have Unnecessary Long Titles

Thou Shalt Use the Internet Despite Obvious Flaws

Enough Jibber Jabber, Just Do It

Please Trust Me

Youths Come Home

Fun Fact!

Fun Fact!

Did you know that Malaysians are shopping less over the weekdays but more over weekends? Drugs & Beauty Store however, was an exception to this trend. Find out more behavioral changes of Malaysians and get your full report by emailing directly to

Source: Kantar Worldpanel Malaysia