Everybody Do the Trump Trickle

It was in 2004 when Green Day released American Idiot and the title track had revolutionary lyrics that I cannot type here because they contain swear words.  Despite that, it does not diminish how accurate that title reflects people who still believe in Trump’s Trickle-Down Economics policy.

Is that a new term for you?  You have never heard of Trickle-Down Economics?  Well, it is a belief system where if the government cut taxes for corporations and the rich, the rich will do the right thing and spread their wealth to the less fortunate voluntarily.  I mean, what is the worst that could happen?  They’ll keep it for themselves?  Poppycock!  Balderdash!

Based on the Reuters article titled “Trump’s Plan to Slash Business Taxes Seen as Guidepost by Congressional Republicans”, President Donald Trump used one page to half-heartedly explain tax cuts for the well-to-do, expecting them to supply their wealth to the poor themselves.  Cool, Mother Theresa in business suits…

It is a Republican’s dream come true and no matter where you stand on Trickle-Down Economics, it is something everyone can relate to.  We all want to pay lesser taxes if we could.  We want to keep most of our salary earned.  We are already contributing to the EPF and saving for the future.  Of course I want to keep more of my own money.  Yes, even socialists.  They just decide to pay more because of their own political beliefs.

But does Trickle-Down Economics actually work?  Before we even answer that question, let’s answer an even more pressing question.  Do we need it now?  Wealth inequality is a huge issue right now and when you implement Trickle-Down Economics, it will only make things worse.  The world’s eight richest people have the same wealth as the poorest 50%.  That is not to say that the eight rich people are evil people who keep money to themselves.  Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are liberals.  However, it does show how big the gap is between the really rich and the really poor.

Decreasing taxes means decrease in spending and decrease in spending may lead to cuts to funding the poor, the disabled and public goods.  And in terms of a Trump administration, it is a certainty.  However, there is an argument that the rich will use their income to help these people now instead of storing the cash in their bank accounts.

Unfortunately, if anybody is to benefit greatly from Trickle-Down Economics, it’s the Trumps.  The New Daily published a report titled “Ivanka Trump Clothing Linked with Sweatshop Factory” about how Ivanka’s clothing line paid their workers in China slightly more than $4 an hour for their work.  That is well below the average for a factory worker in that country.  Is this the family to trust Trickle-Down Economics with?  Will Ivanka raise the wages?  She has not even addressed this report yet.  Her father’s cheapskate attitude was also well-documented, not even paying the little girls who performed in his election rally.  Poor little girls who had to dance for racist rednecks and still not get paid for it…  They have to live with that guilt for the rest of their lives.

Am I too harsh on Trickle-Down Economics?  Yes, I admit to that most definitely.  Trickle-Down Economics is not a myth and it is not something new.  It was implemented before.  Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush implemented the policy.  Surprisingly, it was beneficial because the tax cuts moved the country out of a recession.  Oh yeah, I’m shocked too.

However, we are not in a recession now.  Income inequality is the biggest problem and Trickle-Down Economics will go on to make that worse.  Between 1979 and 2005, the bottom fifth earners saw their after-tax household income rose 6% but the top fifth saw their income rise by 80%.  This feels like the prologue for the modern day Les Miserables.  But since it will be set in America, we’ll probably have Rap and Country music.

To be fair, Trickle-Down Economics had some benefits that opened my eyes to see a new perspective but eventually, you have to raise taxes again.  It is never going to be a full-time measure.  Or if it is, the poor folks can invent a new dance, “The Trump Trickle”.  That would be a good musical number for Les Miserables U.S.A.


Fun Fact!

Fun Fact!

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Source: Kantar Worldpanel Malaysia